【國際賀電! 】榮獲全球公益專案大獎!! 代表台灣 實踐社會理念! 🏆將愛傳遞給台灣偏鄉民眾! Taiwan Excellence!
賀! 榮獲全球公益活動大獎! 代表台灣實踐社會理念! !
「台灣利他資源整合社會企業」Danielle Chen 長期關注全球永續議題與台灣永續發展,此次受邀參賽即獲大獎! 藉由多年一步一腳印的實證、研究與關懷社會議題的精神中,以"跨領域整合" 豐富實踐經驗與紮實的理念,從全球 61國、781 件參賽中脫穎而出,成為最終前三強,代表台灣獲得大獎!
此次在跨產業合作、公益聯盟與創新能力中獲得評審青睞, 秉持聯合國UN 永續發展及世界衛生組織WHO健康老化之理念,以「牙科數位臨時假牙巡迴醫療」服務台灣偏鄉區民眾與弱勢長者,讓偏鄉區弱勢長者得到更普及的牙科醫療與健康服務,近而達到可近性與永續性; 同時關懷我們的下一代與醫學院學莘間的整合,以達到教育性與生命培育。評審評語中提到: "提案作品絕對是在多項 設計巧思中脫穎而出,透過其對產業的整合與公益思維中,看見提案人對人文關懷與實踐社會服務的深度與具體行動! "
Danielle Chen 在致謝詞說:「Thinking Globally , Acting Locally!」 以國際思維,發展台灣在地優勢!
一路走來的堅持,我們點滴在心頭,在社會資源整合與公益之路,藉由不斷的思辯與自我扣問中,以創新與遠見 達成對台灣社會的關懷之夢,我們非常感恩! 未來「台灣利他資源整合社會企業」將更深化關注於「社會流動」(Social Mobility) 議題,將在醫療與社福之間做更多層次的整合,以服務脆弱族群及弱勢群體需求為最終受惠者,發掘社會議題 並提供關鍵資源。未來期待與更多 產業、企業家、甚或個人,一同發揮企業與社會影響力,邁向台灣社會幸福之路!
一路走來的堅持,我們點滴在心頭,在社會資源整合與公益之路,藉由不斷的思辯與自我扣問中,以創新與遠見 達成對台灣社會的關懷之夢,我們非常感恩! 未來「台灣利他資源整合社會企業」將更深化關注於「社會流動」(Social Mobility) 議題,將在醫療與社福之間做更多層次的整合,以服務脆弱族群及弱勢群體需求為最終受惠者,發掘社會議題 並提供關鍵資源。未來期待與更多 產業、企業家、甚或個人,一同發揮企業與社會影響力,邁向台灣社會幸福之路!
社會資源的專業整合,更大的意義是在探索本質下真正的議題。「台灣利他資源整合社會企業」以"跨領域 X 跨產業 X 跨部門"及 三大核心價值,以巨視觀點,跨領域協同合作,深化全齡照顧,追求世代共融, 並以『責信、倡議與執行效益』模式,讓社會資源有效流動。我們長期專注於服務台灣弱勢族群、社會邊緣戶、 兒少、老人、身障與 脆弱族群,具有企業、國際組織委託 公益專案設計之經歷,協助其企業社會責任 並 "創建永續影響力"。
# ALTRUISTIC+Social Enterprise
# 台灣利他資源整合社會企業
# 台灣利他資源整合社會企業
Taiwan Excellence, Sharing is Caring: Winners Revealed
Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring, a global philanthropic Campaign launched by Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs announced the top three winning proposals today: Solar Solutions for Indigenous Māori Communities (New Zealand), Educating and Empowering the Community through Mobile Kart (the Philippines), and One-day Medical Tour and Same-day Denture Delivery - Mobile Digital Denture Clinic & Oral Health Service Project (Taiwan).
Cynthia Kiang, Director General of BOFT virtually presented certificates to the winners during an awards ceremony today. The BOFT said that the winning proposals would be funded and implemented according to how they plan out in the proposed region/country, hoping to promote kindness and good deeds in the local communities.
With the support from the industry, Sharing is Caring that was held for the first time has recruited ideas from all over the world that incorporate Taiwan Excellence winning products to address either social or environmental problems. It was a pleasant surprise for the organizer that a total of 781 proposals from 61 countries poured in, and the best of all was finally out after careful and thoughtful selection.
Director General Kiang was excited to see that so much could be achieved and so many people participated for the first year of the campaign. “We could feel that love and care are everywhere in the world,” emphasized by Kiang. “At the same time, the Taiwan Excellence winning companies will continue to spare no efforts in pushing forward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via the Campaign.”
Marareia Hamilton, one of the team members of the winning proposal ‘Solar Solutions for Indigenous Māori Communities’ from New Zealand, has long been devoted to the development of Māori communities and helped establish workable business models for the locals. As many of the communities are located in the remote areas, the power supply might be on and off due to grid stability issues. Thus the team has proposed to install solar panels from Taiwan and to build a self-sustaining green energy power generation system within the communities. Marareia expressed her special thanks to Taiwanese Excellence during the ceremony for lighting up the Māori communities, and for bringing Taiwan and New Zealand closer.
In addition to the winning proposals, ‘Educating and Empowering the Community through Mobile Kart’ from the Philippines is to narrow education divide between the remote villages and cities while enhancing environmental protection. The winning team put together a mobile classroom – a kart powered by solar panels and equipped with laptops and internet, so that children in the remote areas can learn how to use computers and get connected to new things. The proposer Jonathan J. Cartilla thanked the Campaign for this opportunity to promote education in the rural areas. With the mobile kart, a classroom regardless of distance could no longer be a dream.
Another winning proposal is from Taiwan: ‘One-day Medical Tour and Same-day Denture Delivery - Mobile Digital Denture Clinic & Oral Health Service Project’ that sets out to care for health and well-being of the elderly people in the rural areas with a mobile medical vehicle full of dental care devices for measuring biodata. The proposer Ms. Danielle Chen pointed out that quality of their healthcare services is guaranteed by using Taiwan Excellence winning products, while the car brings the good will of Taiwan Excellence to some of the farthest and remote corners of Taiwan.
See the winner list at https://share-care.taiwanexcellence.org/announcement
One of the members from the selection panel, professor Chu Jou-Juo felt impressed with how well-intentioned all the proposals are. But if one need to stand out as a winning proposal, a mere creative philanthropic idea is not enough. Feasibility and practicality should also be taken into consideration, so that a good idea can be turned into actions. It is also hoped more companies can come on board and fulfill their corporate social responsibility.
Country/Winning Proposals
*New Zealand/ Solar Solutions for Indigenous Māori Communities
*The Philippines/ Educating and Empowering the Community Through Mobile Kart
*Taiwan/ One-day Medical Tour and Same-day Denture Delivery- Mobile Digital Denture Clinic & Oral Health Service Project
Resource via
Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT)
# ALTRUISTIC+Social Enterprise
# ALTRUISTIC+Social Enterprise