【全球專案】國際扶輪社Rotary-失能者到宅沐浴 台灣在地模式整合捐贈專案


【全球專案】國際扶輪社Rotary-失能者到宅沐浴 台灣在地模式整合捐贈專案

    以資源整合服務台灣,以服務改變社會,串流整合社會資源,建立在地永續發展目標!以具溫度感之整合沐浴服務計畫,協助社區弱勢族群 失能、獨居與主要照顧者之居家到宅沐浴服務。以在地服務模式,培養社區執行單位的共同夥伴關係,為受益者提供人道服務與後端醫療。與企業家、醫療單位、社福系統共同創建整合協作能力,進而達到共同參與榮譽之永續目標。


     We're community-minded professionals. We have front-line practical experience and international experience in large-scale projects. We're creating sustainable services and making sustainable impact of projects, collecting information on local community needs, pre-and post-activity evaluations, tangible impacts and conduct community assessment. Through a partnership between Rotary International, seeking out new ways to translate our expertise into making a difference. By working together, the ultimate goal is to create a happy society for all in Taiwan!


             [email protected]

# Rotary International
# Imagine Rotary
# Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
# Theoretical and Practical  
# ALTRUISTIC+ Social Enterprise
# 台灣利他資源整合社會企業